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Our team is dedicated to offering high-quality legal services to support you in all aspects of your commercial or business dealings.

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What are the available legal options if the handover of the real estate unit is delayed?

Initiate legal proceedings against the seller by lodging a case with the competent court, seeking enforcement of the agreed-upon penalty for delay along with compensation for the rental value of the other unit.

As a result of the developer's inability to complete the unit on time, you are unfairly discriminated against, causing you to miss out on the benefits of that unit and rent another one.

Compensation for damages resulting from a prejudicial act is subject to the actual occurrence of such damages in the future. Only damages that materialize or are expected to materialize will be eligible for compensation. Lost profits may be considered for compensation if there are valid reasons or a reasonable chance of such profits being realized.

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Breach of Contract Agreement?

Every agreement should outline the responsibilities and obligations.

When one party fails to meet the obligations outlined in a contract, it is considered a breach of contract within the legal system.

Is it possible to challenge in a court of law?

Any unlawful action can be contested in front of the law, and particularly a breach of contract can be disputed through a strong legal contract governed by the legal system.

Violation of intellectual property rights related to commercial brand names?

To safeguard your trademark and copyrights, you can take two approaches: one through civil means by seeking compensation for the violation, and the other through criminal prosecution against the individual responsible.

It is not allowed to register any business information that is the same as or similar to previously registered information for the same or different products or services. The mark intended for registration should not give the impression of being associated with the products or services of the registered owner or potentially harm their interests.

To address this issue, you could consider requesting the cessation of the infringement on your intellectual property, lifting the restrictions and documenting the misuse of your trademarks, and prohibiting the individual from using your trademarks in the future. Additionally, you may seek to enforce your full trademark and copyright rights, seek compensation for any damages incurred, including lost profits.

Are you seeking reparation from the company for the damages?

Non-compliance with the obligation is a significant action that can be supported by evidence and proof, with the standard of judgment and evidence being crucial, as long as the fulfillment of the obligation leads to the determination that it has been met. Both parties are obligated to respect the rights and responsibilities outlined in the contract. The contract should be executed in accordance with its provisions and in a manner that demonstrates good faith.

What are the company's rights in cases of damage?

In the event that the contractor fails to perform the contract ” Breach of Contract”, the owner may seek the court to claim the payment to the contractor with legal interests from the date of the abstaining and breach of the contract, and compensation for the damage caused by the contractor’s act of abstention

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